Friday, November 28, 2014

SlackinATOR - WILLING AND KNOWINGLY CHOOSING TO BE LAZY/raw food/healthy eating!

Define ''SlackinATOR''.. someone who WILLINGLY and KNOWINGLY, chooses to be lazy and not complete projects they once SWORE to stick too!   (eg. Blogging,upkeeping on videos etc.)
Well  WELL you can tell I have been away for a bit longer than I had hoped, I was hoping that I could blog EVERY SINGLE DAY...but as usual I didn't stick to it! BUT I will BE BETTER, I WILL BE BETTER ( repeating and CAPS LOCK, apparently will help resolve this issue) 

      With the new year creeping in, I thought I would just brush up on my goals this upcoming year and even the next few weeks as I ease into my extreme dieting ways. I call it 'DIETING' but what that means to me is  'DIET' as in what I want to eat ALL THE TIME, FOREVER!  not ' DIET' until I hit a goal!!  if this is confusing... let me simplify.
       Once upon a time I was a raw foodest.. not always 100% but for a while I WAS 100%. and my eating habits were always good.  I used to have friends over for wheet grass shots... not whiskey shots! lol   I felt good, looked skin was clear my head was clear!!  I can't say ANY of that any my goal is to get back to being healthy and fit!  I have put on about 25 pounds in the last few years and IT FEELS HORRID it was brought on by some traumatic events and some depression where I just kind of ''let go'' of my self I need a life style CHANGE!

 I thought I would share some  recipes I used to love and use..and I will be recreating these in some upcoming videos on my second channel ''AtticAnatomyTV' on youtube! so check it out if you have some time.

Fist my all time 'GO TO MEAL' its quick and delicious! I just LOVED/love it! my kids do too and its so simple..and with a high powered blender you can get it just a tad big warm OR STEAMING hot!

-1 cup of peas  ( or as desired)
-1/2 avocodo ( or all for extra creamy)
-Bottled or purified water for texture (the more you add the thinner the soup)
- sea salt to taste ( I use pink sea salt for extra minerals)
-garlic cloves OR powder...cloves are better but with this recipe I prefer powder! also to taste

AND THAT'S IT, at the end of making the warm soup, I like to place some extra green peas in a bowl of warm water while I am preparing the soup..and add them after I'm done blending for texture.

second favourite is this wonderful recipe I actually think I found this one on youtube YEARS ago..but I can't remember who it was... smoothie girl?? its best if all produce is organic.

- 1 cup cashews
-1 cup sstrawberry
-water for texture, if wanted
-1 whole carrot
- 1 1/2 of a beet
-1 cup coconut milk

 I meant early on in writing this to add some pictures of my rrecipes..but my computer WONT LET ME LKJDKLFAJSKDLFJASFJA GRRRRRR! LOL so I will stop at two..and check my channel for some  recipes and to join the healthy me and better food journey with me .  see you soon Attic people!

Friday, November 21, 2014

EBAY MADDNESS and Stay at home MOMMY, christmas SAVINGS !! whoot whoot

  Hello my fellow Attic people,

        For those of you who don't know me yet, I am a stay at home mother of 3, Last year I had to quit my job, after my free child care was no longer available. I tried placing them in the cheapest after school daycare program I could find, and upping my hours at work, unfortunately I only made min wage at 10 something an hour, and part time hours at as little as 12 hours a week  in some cases.     This cost me a LOT, for TWO HOURS after school care each day for 5 days was .... $950.00!!!! By the end of the month I was negative - $250.00.  not including the expense of gas to travel back and forth.
         This is when I decided I needed to MAKE MONEY FAST!  I listed a few items local, and on eBay...after my first Item sold I WAS SOOOOO excited, that I decided to keep listing more... soon a month later I had made over $500.00 and was only listing small random items occasionally...!!! Although I am just learning still, and I am NOT a top rated seller ( which is my goal) I  realized that I can make more staying home then I could EVER make outside of the home on a minimum wage budget!!
          So as some of you may know from my YOUTUBE channel, I have been spending a LOT of time buying, and listing on ebay and other sites local to me !  I have been debating making my channel (in additional to my other videos during the Holiday season, ) into a list of Christmas sales from December 1'st to 24th, as a countdown to 'christmas fund' accumulation calculation ( hhahaha next dr.suis right here! )... in simple terms LETTING YOU SEE HOW MUCH I MAKE but I'm still deciding on this.
         We all spend a little to much MONEY on Christmas whether we try not to or not, it always seems to put people in a financial bind for the following months afterwards. SO my goals for this year, ( lets call it a PRE new years resolution shall we)  is to EARN as much as we SPEND by December 24th!  by purely using my online outlets, such as ebay,amazon,kijiji, and other local sites on facebook!  budgeting has always been a weak point with me and I'm sure most of you can relate,ESPECIALLY during the holidays!. This past few years I have been VERY diligent with my spending and earning points, I have been keeping up with bills and have little debt accumulated. I hope to have 0% in the new year.   That being said If this goes well, I will be able to spend January deciding on which bank to open a family savings at, INSTEAD of deciding which bill to pay ''NEXT MONTH'' !
 Maybe some attic people can join as well! we can have a MERRY OL' TIME , HAHAHa .. I know not funny!
                    talk to you soon and happy hunting!

Monday, November 17, 2014


 So since I spend nearly every day thinking or actually going thrift shopping, whether it be for sale items or personal! I thought why not do a 12 days of thrifting blogger post, I'm going to show you 12 things I thrifted and the prices, If I can remember them.. nearly my entire house hold has been furnished with second hand items, thrifted, founded or GIVEN things. so I thought why not do a 12 days of thrifting blog once a month!  lol I could probably dedicate once a week in reality...but here it is:

1. Set of Victorian style lamps that light up from the top..AND inside the base! you can either have both on, or just either or... I got BOTH of these for under 8 dollars at a local thrift store! STEAL! ( I did have to glue the base back on to one of them.. but they included the shades as well.

2. Tiny tin sail boat, mounted on wood! I love ships or boats, anything that is related to the sea or water.. I'm not sure why, but I have acquired QUITE a few ship items and you will probably see a bunch in this post as well... this one has a pearly finish to the sails as well I THINK I found this at a yard sale and it has a sticker on the bottom for $2.00 , LOVE IT

3. Vintage globe, This item was a gift..and I have ALWAYS wanted one. when I was a child my dad had a globe.. I remember staring and twirling it for hours just reading every single word. this item was gifted to me last Christmas and was found at Value village (large thrift store) it cost :  but for me it was free :)

4.Christmas snow globe, this is sooo cute, I think everyone has this secret love for snow globes... they are in nearly every single Christmas movie new and old, so that is probably why! BUT I found this at a local thrift store, and I believe I paid 3.00 for it.

5. Botanical lamp shade, I found this at a thrift store called ' Beyond the Blue box', the lamp shade that originally went to the lamp, broke! so I happened to find this one and it was $1.50 BUT they were having a half off certain items sale and this was one of them ... so it cost me $0.75! YA... you read that right! lol I love this so much.

6. Vintage picture frames, I have many of these around my house, and the thrift store I mentioned above... Beyond the blue box, does certain items by the pound.. and this is one of those items.. so I don't know for sure how much I paid PER item because I never just by one weighted Item, BUT I would say it probably cost me 50 cents OR LESS. ! 

7. Creepy dolls, these aren't for every one's taste but I just LOVE them!  they are cracked up and dirty, they both have original clothes on and have hand painted faces , I love thinking about who owned them or even who MADE them. And how much they must have adored them when they were given to the first child. I feel the same way about old books...someone loved them dearly at one point in time! and now they are mine :) I found these at a yard sale this past summer and they were 4.00 dollars !  

8. Pillar candle holders, this trio of candle pillars was a very exciting find.. although they were  A BIT out of my ' thrifty budget' ( I like to get the BEST deal when I thrift to get that extra rush LOL ) they cost me $8.00 for the set if I remember correctly and that was for all three! I love them

9. Unique handmade wine rack, this I found at a flea market, it was amongst a junk yard of outdoor items, it was meant to be a gift and I was going to stain the wooden knobs and paint the steal. But before I was able to gift it, my dad let me know it wouldn't work for the size of the table ( meant for my step mother)  but it cost me $5.00 which is INSANE for what it is and the quality is amazing.

Vintage pipe set, I found these recently at  yet again another local thrift shop, and they were an AMAZING find, I will never find a deal quite like this for a while, I ended up keeping a few for decor and listing the humidor and selected pipes online! but I just love these SOOO much! They cost me .... $5.00 FOR EVERYTHING in the picture, including , humidor,all the pipes in the box and the box!!!! that's crazy.

11.Music sheets, this would be more for my fellow craters or fellow music lovers I got these for the intention of putting them in frames and displaying them as art work, but also for the left overs and ''no name'' music sheets I wanted to modge podge some tables, or furniture pieces. These probably all together over time cost me 10.00 total?  I have been gathering them over the years.. I may find my self listing some as well.  actually I did a table once.. I will leave a picture

12. Antique Vanity, this is one of my precious items, I love it so much it sits in my main living area, it was also one of my best finds price wise this beautiful vanity cost a grand total of 30 dollars! and was purchased from value village!  YES 30.00 dollars, value village has a deal when you drop of donations you get stamps on a card, once you reach a certain amount of stamps you get a discount! we applied it to the already crazy deal! and got this lovely refurbished antique vanity


I will try and do more of these...I just LOVE talking about my thrifted items :)
Ps. I put up a new video today.. if you are interested.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Hello fellow Attic people,

 Today on a deeper note... would like to talk about self being,self worth and self confidence!
 I have many subject matters that boil my blood, But this is one topic that nobody can say they haven't faced from time to time!
        I come from a small tight knit community as (I am sure some of you can relate) with that comes pre conceived ideals about what and who you should be.  I think it is EXTREMELY important to stay as close to who you are as you can... I know this can be a hard thing to do , or even sometimes except but you are going to be the ONLY person in the world that can make this decision! 
        I think that the hardest time period to do this is when we are young and impressionable all though its still a battle you must conquer most of our lives,  its easy to get caught up in the  ' DO IT THIS WAY' mentality ! we believe in our under developed teenage brains that what other people say is true because they are 'outside looking in', which get all to confusing because this is a concept that actually can be applied to other walks of life. 
            I know this topic can be over talked about, so much so that it kind of misses the marker a little too often. all you have to remember is that when it comes to being you, JUST DO IT!  say stupid things, be funny, be smart, be bold, be EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING you desire! because when your time comes to an end... the only one reflecting on the life you lived!  IS YOU!  
           You and I will cross paths with may people over our short time on earth, and if everyday you let one little person OUT OF THE BILLIONS on this planet, get you down or convince you that you shouldn't, couldn't or can't do something! that's ONE DAY you can never get back!  Be happy, be kind and try to remember to BE WHO YOU ARE! :)


Tuesday, November 11, 2014


  SOoOoOo,  just to warm everyone up to me a little better...and give some people an idea of who I am and things I like... I thought I would do a quick " QUESTIONS" blog post!  it's not in great detail and I will certainly be doing some more in depth things on my youtube channel HERE So if you feel so inclined to pry a bit deeper into my details stop over that way!   ... here we go


1. Do you have a middle name?
 Yes, it's Ann

2. What is your Favorite subject in school?
 I would have to say art, but I also loved french and science!

3. Whats your Favorite drink?
 If I only had one choice... cucumber mint water, OR coffee!

4. What is your Favorite song at the moment?
  I would have to say..Breeze blocks by Alt-J

5. What would you name your kids?
 Well, I already have kids.. but If I had was able to have 3 more, Octavia/Jagger and lyric.

6. Do you participate in any sports?
   is laundry a sport? lol

7. Favorite Book?
 I have so many, but If I had to pic a book I read over and over it would be "Home & health" (its from the 1800's .. so neat!

8. Favorite Color?
 Right now... ' EGGPLANT' aka purple lol

9. Favorite Animal?
 hmm I'm allergic to most animals.. but I would pick chipmunk ? lol not pets right!

10. Favorite Perfume?
 I'm currently loving,LUST by sex in the city

11. Favorite Holiday?
 I have always loved Halloween, but the last few years... Christmas has been my love!

12. Have you graduated high school?
 Yes but it took me a long time... ( I was a teen mom)

13. Have you ever been out of the country? if so how many times?
 twice.. once when I was 10 once again when I was 23.. both were to new york (doesn't really count.. we drove! )

14. Do you speak any other language?
 No, but I was really good at french in school and still kind of understand it.

15. How many siblings do you have?
 I have a grand total of, 11 siblings
16. What is your favorite store?

17. Favorite restaurant?
   I don't eat out often.. but I will say East side Mario's (All you can eat salad & bread ) lol

18. Did you like school?
    no! and yes.... I would have loved going if my entire day was , Art, science and french!.. but it wasn't lol.

19. Favorite youtuber?
    I have recently discovered, zoella... but before zoella was seriously into graveyard girl.. I have many many people I love watching on youtube.
20. Favorite movie?
   I have too many to count.. but I will say my 'go to movie'  would be Into the wild!  

21. Favorite TV show?
  Hardest question ever.... downton Abby? the 100, LOST... lol too many to count.
22. PC or Mac?
    Pc... I have never even used a mac ... EVER. lol

23. What kind of phone do you have?
    Samsung galaxy s3 ( I know, outdated)
24. How tall are you?
 5' 3 .. 5'5 with heals LOL. 

25: Something you miss? .
Being a kid! 

26: How old are you?
 I am currently 27 or 28!  lol .. I don't feel like calculating this equation..aka old.

27: Zodiac sign?
 I am a Gemini

28: Quality you look for in a partner?
   Physically... anyone with long hair and a beard meets my standards! lol emotionally and mentally Smart, funny and calm!   in a nutshell.. boho
29: Favourite Quote?
  " If one should find themselves in the dark, one should only remember to turn on the light! " Albas Dumbledore

30: Favourite actor?
           ROBIN WILLIAMS! HANDS DOWN! 31: Any tattoos?
 Yes 3, but two are quotes, and one is the infinity symbol

32: Any piercings?
 I had my tongue pierced as a teenager..but I took it out a month later.. so just my ears

33: Ever been in a physical fight?
  With a stranger.. No , but I do have 11 siblings as mentioned above.. so yes? !

34: The reason I joined Youtube?
 I have always wanted to join youtube!  I have always been fascinated with art, film and photography and I was just raised in a very small town with a very small look on things... so when I would get the chance to film or document something I did! but Until now in my life I never had the ' guts' I suppose you would say! :)
35: Fears?
    I have a fear or telling people my fears.. lol so I can't tell you!

36: Last thing that made you cry?
  the intro to the documentary ' GMO OMG '   lol i KNOW.. I cry at everything.. its not even sad by the way.

37: Meaning behind your Youtube Name?
   The meaning behind my Blogger and Youtube name is simply this:   I love old stuff, antiques creepy art... THINGS in general new and old.. so I thought.. an Attic is where people keep things they don't use anymore or store away for later... and the items that make up an attic are those things... so I chose anatomy.. ATTIC anatomy! lol clever I thought! 

38: Favourite flavour of sweet?
   actually, I enjoy both TOGETHER.. I will dip a slice of cheese into my yogurt! yes..

39: What instruments do you play??
 I can't really PLAY any instrument , but I own two... a violin and a guitar both I do intend on learning one day. ( I did figure out at one point to play the into for legend of zelda)

40: Favourite piece of jewellery?
   At this moment, my nautical charm bracelet

  Thost are 40 things about me .. I know the tag is 50.. but I just ran out of questions I coud think of lol..  hope you enjoyed if you every want to ask me anything, shoot me a msg or comment and I  will respond :)  See you around the Attic. 

Monday, November 10, 2014


I can't seem to shake my love for old items, whether it be books,toys old boxes or vintage clothing I probably have at least one item of all! 
 Vintage fashion has always been something I have longed to be more bold with. I think I was meant to be born in the early 1900's, Victorian ball gowns, and ladies maids!  
I also LOVE the idea of bohemian woman's rights era, just amazing products of fashion coming from these time periods!
I found an amazing channel on Youtube, its filled with old adverts and fashion shows from all eras! I will post link and you can check it out too.
I developed a love of fashion and sewing back in 2008 and I haven't looked back since, I will be posting some vintage clothing 'revamp' videos on my youtube channel soon as well.. :) so if you love these old things as much as I do
then you will probably enjoy the treasures I gather to show you :)




Sunday, November 9, 2014


Since I am new around these parts, you don't quite know me yet... BUT let me just start with saying, LUSH!. I have developed a bit of an obsession these days, I was only introduced to lush less than 2 months ago and I currently have enough lush bath product to last me the YEAR!
        I suddenly have found my self taking a RIDICULOUS amount of my time being devoted to bathing!  ( I suppose this is a good thing) hehe. I think the products are AMAZING, and my children look forward to baths as well now, which makes my life MUCH easier.
        I suffer from loads of anxiety and I do not take medication, so I have learned ways to relax and calm my self on my own. These products have helped me a LOT, I am currently coming to you from the bath as I type as a matter of fact ( CENSORED) lol this new obsession has forced me to take some solo mommy time and chill out in a quiet setting to clear my thoughts each night (can't really make it out to be a chore really :)  ).
          Sadly I did not stock up on the Halloween limited additions and am currently regretting not purchasing more of the 'wizard' bubble bar, it by far was my FAVORITE scent to date. I have extremely sensitive skin and have a sensitivity to heavy sents but so far not many of the lush products have bothered me, EXCEPT.... the infamous SNOW FAIRY! :( yes to all of the lush world who know of snow fairy and love it).. imagine not being able to use it! I was soooo disappointed, but on the bright side I pretty much have nearly every single type of bath product the sell, so I can try each one to see which I like the most.
        I will attach a link to this post to ANYONE who was like me and has been left in the dark as to what LUSH is... this is a must do for any human with a busy life man or woman!

I know this was an odd choice for a first mini blog post, but... lush really is my life at the moment! :0  have a good one, see you next time in the Attic!  <3 ( Star wand are snow fairy scented.. I can get away with a bit of that hehehe)

LUSH LINK:,en_CA,sc.html

Friday, November 7, 2014

First blogger post :) from the ATTIC

Hey everyone,
 I Am just getting started with this blog and soon will be posting daily/weekly little babbles regarding my wonderful life and the things I plan on doing with it!  :> stay tuned ~
 I also just started up a TWITTER account
as well as a YOUTUBE channel :